Live Event Teleprompter Operators

Based in New York City Same Day Service Call now at 800-884-1643

All operator arrive with

-Primary and backup laptop with prompting software

-Live production video swithcers

-sdi/hdmi converters with sdi and hdmi cables

Live event teleprompter operator services in NYC offer a crucial and seamless solution for those looking to enhance the professionalism and effectiveness of their live presentations. These skilled operators play a pivotal role in ensuring that speakers, hosts, and presenters deliver their messages flawlessly, maintaining a steady flow of information without any disruptions.

In the bustling atmosphere of New York City, where high-profile events and presentations are a common occurrence, teleprompter operators are indispensable. These professionals specialize in operating teleprompter systems, which are essentially display devices that allow speakers to read scripted content while maintaining eye contact with the audience. This ensures a natural and engaging delivery that keeps the audience captivated.

Key features of live event teleprompter operator services in NYC include:

Expertise: Teleprompter operators in NYC are highly skilled individuals with a deep understanding of various teleprompter systems and software. They are adept at handling last-minute changes, troubleshooting technical issues, and adapting to different event scenarios.

Customization: Operators work closely with clients to tailor the teleprompter experience to specific needs. This includes adjusting font size, scrolling speed, and content layout to match the preferences and reading pace of the presenter.

Equipment and Technology: NYC teleprompter services typically provide state-of-the-art teleprompter equipment, ensuring clear and readable displays for presenters. They are well-versed in the latest technology and can seamlessly integrate teleprompters into any event setup.

Rehearsals and Coordination: Before the live event, teleprompter operators collaborate with speakers to rehearse and familiarize them with the equipment. This ensures a smooth and confident delivery during the actual presentation. Operators also coordinate with the event production team to synchronize the teleprompter display with other visual elements.

Adaptability: In dynamic live event environments, things can change rapidly. Teleprompter operators in NYC are adaptable professionals who can handle unexpected developments with composure, ensuring that the teleprompter continues to support the flow of the presentation.

Confidentiality: Many events in NYC involve sensitive or confidential information. Teleprompter operators understand the importance of confidentiality and adhere to strict protocols to safeguard the content they handle.

Whether it’s a corporate presentation, live broadcast, awards ceremony, or any other event, the presence of a skilled teleprompter operator can significantly enhance the overall quality and impact of the presentation, contributing to the success of the event in the vibrant and demanding atmosphere of New York City.


$695 Full Day

rate is for a 10 hour day 

Overtime after 10 hours is billed at $95 per hour.

Setup takes approximately 90 minutes.


Serving the New York City Area since 2001 we have worked with many events including product launces, private equity investor review, award shows and more.

Our expert staff and gear are always prompt , dressed in black and ready to start working.

Ask About Our Presidential Teleprompter, Teleprompter RentalConfidence Monitor, and Interrotron Rentals!